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Colored Gel Filters for Instant Film Cameras (5-Pack)

Sale price$ 16

We thought it would be interesting to take color gels and modify them into film filters for instant photography. Because these filters aren't perfectly transparent, they will affect your camera's exposure by 1-4 stops. We asked seasoned Polaroid photographer Bret Watkins to take them for a test spin, and here were his findings:

Magenta: Decreases exposure by ~4 stops.
For best results, shoot using 600 film in an SX-70 calibrated camera and increase the brightness wheel by 1.

Royal Blue: Decreases exposure by ~2 stops.
For best results, shoot using 600 film in an SX-70 calibrated camera.

Teal: Decreases exposure by ~2 stops.
For best results, shoot using 600 film in an SX-70 calibrated camera.

Yellow: Decreases exposure by ~1 stop.
For best results, use this filter with a matching film type and camera calibration, e.g. 600 film in a 600-calibrated camera, or SX-70 film in an SX-70 calibrated camera.

Orange: Decreases exposure by ~1 stop.
For best results, use this filter with a matching film type and camera calibration, e.g. 600 film in a 600-calibrated camera, or SX-70 film in an SX-70 calibrated camera.

Please note that these gel filters will provide unpredictable and experimental results (how wild is that sunflower picture with the Royal Blue filter?!) As with all instant film, results will vary. Please treat these items as creative tools only.